能夠在有著如此令人窒息的美景之地建造私宅,是幸運而特殊的。住宅Algarrobos矗立在厄瓜多爾Puembo的山谷之巔,一覽眾山小。群山環繞,溝壑縱橫,遠處山頂白雪皚皚,高地起伏,當地植被茂盛,這就是由Jose Maria Saez和Daniel Moreno Flores為一個私人家庭設計的住宅所處的環境。
Not all projects have the luck or the privilege of being located on a breathtaking site, this is not one of those projects. situated at the top of a valley overlooking the mountains of puembo, ecuador, amongst deep crevices, snow-covered caps, plateaus and native vegetation is the 'algarrobos house'designed by local architect jose maria saez and ecuadorian architect daniel moreno flores for a private family. the peculiar context posed a great challenge: to bring the grandiose presence of the landscape to a relatable, digestible human scale; as a result, the residence is based around three points: the user, the function, and the surroundings. the structure then follows these principles, with a concrete foundation embedded into the hillside setting the floor areas and dimensions of different rooms.
The most notable feature is comprised of eight massive 18-meter long steel beams that overlap each other on the x,y, and z axes. like arms reaching out in all directions, the girders provide cantilevered structures from which certain parts of the program are allowed to nest, being immersed into the scenery with unabridged views. they also act as an intermediary between the larger site lines and the smaller-scale elements of the house.filling the voids between the members and further defining individual spaces are a substructure of wooden frames, whose repetition and simplicity bring the scale down one step further to delineate several functions without confining them into being literal 'rooms,' still allowing a direct exposure to the exterior.
start date: 2009
construction: 2010-2011
construction: luis guaman
collaborators: margarida marques, estefanía jácome, santiago vaca, claudia ponce, estefanía luna, adrián beltrán, joe jivaja, dennise paredes, valentina benalcazar.
engineer: césar izurieta
cost: 290,000
floor area: 338 m2
total area: 495 m2
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