Designed for a dentist and his family of four, the 'dent' house in yokohama by apollo architects and associates is situated at the end of a flagpole-shaped site with a narrow walkway. this leads from the street up to the built-in garage - sitting beneath the pilotis of the building - with the master bedroom located at the far end, from which a central courtyard can be seen. a metal grating is used to protect the upper level of the enclosure, allowing light to seep down into the subterranean program where a glass paned corridor leads to a compact study, where the owner can enjoy views of his treasured porsche parked within the garage.from here, a staircase leads upwards to the main living space where the family room is located, with the kitchen unfolding into it - an adjoining tatami room also functions as a guest quarters.
All the rooms, including the bathroom and wet areas are linked to the external courtyard, with wooden louvers obstructing lines of sight from the outside, ensuring both privacy and loftiness at the same time. above is a roof of hued wooden beams,interposed between the stairwell and loft, which covers this zone that has been designed for the children to play. flanked by neighboring houses in a dense urban context, the residence has surprisingly open interiors with full retractable glass panels that extend the interior spaces to the exterior.
location: aoba ward yokohama
date of completion: august 2012
principal use: private housing
structure: timber
site area: 62.83 m2
total floor area: 123.07 m2 (62.83 m2/1f, 60.24 m2/2f)
structural engineer: kenta masaki
mechanical engineer: zenei shimada
exterior finish: lithing spraying
floor: wood flooling
wall: synthetic resin emulsion paint
ceiling: synthetic resin emulsion paint
地點:橫濱 aoba ward yokohama
總建筑面積:123.07平方米(62.83,60.24 m2/2f m2/1f)
建筑工程師:kenta masaki