

奧地利泰爾尼茨Tool KIT幼兒園設計

奧地利泰爾尼茨Tool KIT幼兒園設計
奧地利泰爾尼茨Tool KIT幼兒園設計
奧地利泰爾尼茨Tool KIT幼兒園設計
奧地利泰爾尼茨Tool KIT幼兒園設計
奧地利泰爾尼茨Tool KIT幼兒園設計
奧地利泰爾尼茨Tool KIT幼兒園設計
奧地利泰爾尼茨Tool KIT幼兒園設計
奧地利泰爾尼茨Tool KIT幼兒園設計
奧地利泰爾尼茨Tool KIT幼兒園設計
奧地利泰爾尼茨Tool KIT幼兒園設計
'Tool KIT' by vienna-based office alleswirdgut is a low-rise building for a kindergarten in ternitz, austria. consisting of multifunctional circulation areas arranged around a central courtyard, the design aims to provide a highly flexible space that can continuously be re-created by the children themselves.

Measuring 30 x 40 meters, the floor plan's layout organizes the individual classrooms on the outward-facing edges of the school. the common corridors pinwheel off the inner courtyard, serving as an extension of the circulation space. full-width panorama windows open the rooms to the garden, establishing a direct connection between the interior and the exterior.

  • 上一篇:房屋裝修——衛生間裝修效果圖
  • 下一篇:數字時代丨秘魯立馬太平洋大學主體建筑設計
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