成都來福士廣場,該建筑是Steven Holl(斯蒂芬·霍爾)設計的,我認為雖然他的建筑和景觀設計沒有一點中國符號,但是它卻是一個“源于中國的現代設計”的典型代表。
該設計概念是通過地標性的建筑和景觀來隱喻其地域性文脈,即“長江三峽”的意向,包括將三門峽、巫峽、虎跳峽和龍門等自然意向融入到建筑設計之中。建筑立面好似幾座被切割成類似山體的幾何形狀,景觀通過瀑布、噴泉及水景等細節來表達與這三個峽谷有關聯的故事,室內也通過鋪裝及交通組織來闡述上述理念。特別是幾個精彩的雕塑都給人眼睛一亮的感覺。如法國當代波普藝術家朱利安·馬里內蒂(Julien Marinetti)設計的“熊貓一家”雕塑由四只熊貓組成家庭,每一成員都正襟而坐,共同迎向未來。
成都來福士廣場占地逾三萬平米,位于成都市主干道人民南路四段,原四川省博物館舊址。它由舉世聞名的建筑大師Steven Holl精心設計,匯集了國際超甲級辦公樓、購物中心、國際高端服務公寓和珍藏單位于一身,是成都市新的地標建筑。
項目總建筑面積約307,724 平方米
辦公樓建筑面積約72,524 平方米
T1:29層 / T2:29層
標準樓層面積約1,302-1,994 平方米
The large public space framed in the center of the block is formed into three valleys inspired by a poem of the city's greatest poet, Du Fu (713-770), who wrote, 'From the northeast storm-tossed to the southwest, time has left stranded in Three Valleys.' The three plaza levels feature water gardens based on concepts of time-the Fountain of the Chinese Calendar Year, Fountain of Twelve Months, and Fountain of Thirty Days. These three ponds function as skylights to the six-story shopping precinct below.
Establishing human scale in this metropolitan rectangle is achieved through the concept of "micro urbanism," with double-fronted shops open to the street as well as the shopping center. Three large openings are sculpted into the mass of the towers as the sites of the pavilion of history, designed by Steven Holl Architects, the Light Pavilion by Lebbeus Woods, and the Local Art Pavilion.
The Sliced Porosity Block is heated and cooled with 468 geothermal wells and the large ponds in the plaza harvest recycled rainwater, while the natural grasses and lily pads create a natural cooling effect. High-performance glazing, energy-efficient equipment and the use of regional materials are among the other methods employed to reach the LEED Gold rating.
PROGRAM: five towers with offices, serviced apartments, retail, a hotel, cafes, and restaurants, and large urban public plaza
CLIENT: CapitaLand Development
BUILDING AREA (SQUARE): 3,336,812 sf
STATUS: completed