↑ 遮陽雨棚的內下側采用鋼材,其能淡淡的反射出地面混凝土因加了當地砂石而呈現出的紅色。
The awning roof is a Cor-Ten steel cyclonic shade frame, mirrored by a concrete slab on (the) ground. The concrete slab contains gravel and aggregates from the local river, which lend a reddish colour to its polished surface.
↑ 舒適的室內空間,墻面忠實的反映了材料組成。Sarah Foletta設計的室內,通過精心選擇材料和家具,體現出內斂,自然,穩定的特性。
Internally, one finds a comfortable environment, cooled by the rammed earth walls and the metre deep sand hill. The interior design by Sarah Foletta is a restrained, natural and robust selection of materials and furniture.
↑ 擁有金色內屋頂的教堂,弧形門窗可以被閉合以保護免受沙暴的影響。
Gold annodised aluminium sheets line the ceiling of the ‘chapel’, cyclonic rated, curved sliding windows can close the pavilion to protect its interior from dust storms.